Church Membership

For a church to become a member of the Providence Regular Missionary Baptist Association, Inc. they must agree to the following Constitution and By-Laws:


Article I. This association shall be known as the Providence Regular Missionary Baptist Association, Inc.

Article II. A. This Association shall be composed of delegates sent by the churches of this association, pastors and ministers who are members of these churches, including retired ministers,, those in school or on mission fields, chaplains in the armed services, or other specialized fields of the gospel ministry, who are in good standing with their respective churches.
B. A visiting minister of Baptist faith who is in good standing with his associations or conventions shall be accorded limited privileges of this Association except holding office and voting.


Article III. A. The officers of this Association shall be Moderator, First and Second Vice Moderators, Clerk, Assistant Clerk, Pianist, Assistant Chorister-Pianist, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Auditor, Dean of Christian Education, Corresponding Secretary, Statistician, Parliamentarian, and a Director of Christian Education, who shall be elected annually by ballot or otherwise and hold office until their successors are elected and installed.


B. The Executive Board shall consist of the officers of this Association, presiding officers of its auxiliaries, associate ministers and pastors of the churches. All members shall be entitled to all rights and privileges, such as discussions and voting.
C. The Executive Board shall meet at the discretion of the Moderator.

Article IV. This association acknowledges the Scriptures to be the sufficient rules both in faith and practice, and therefore rejects all notions and traditions of men where there is neither precept nor example in the Scriptures to justify this.

Article V. This Association disclaims any right or government of church of which it is composed, yet is open to advise in any matter when a church is divided in opinion.

Article VI. No appeal shall be heard by this Association until it has been dealt with in Gospel order by the persons, church or churches involved, ref: Matt. 18:15-18

Article VII. This Association will not recognize any church in its connection that will allow her members to violate Christian principles or Baptist doctrine.

Article VIII. A. Each church numbering over fifty members may have three delegates to the Association. Those numbering fifty or less may have two delegates; but in either case, the pastor may be added.
B. Alternates are entitled to vote only if a delegate or delegates are absent.
C. Pastors who are pasturing more than one church in this Association are entitled to only on vote on each business matter.

Article IX. This association will not accept female ministers or pastors as part of the body, nor accept churches that allow this behavior into the Providence Regular Missionary Baptist Association, according to scripture, I Timothy 2:12 and I Timothy 3:2.

Article X. Any article of this Constitution may be altered or amended by three- fourths of the members, providing, however, that such alteration or amendment be set forth in the Minutes twelve months previous to taking of the vote thereon. No item will be changed without strong sound Scriptural bases.


Article I. This Association shall meet annually on Thursday before the third Sunday in August of each year at nine o’clock a.m.

Article II A. After devotional exercises, the letters from the churches shall be called for by the Moderator or Vice Moderator.
B. Letters shall be received and recorded but not read by the clerk or appointed designees.

Article III. The introductory sermon shall be preached on Thursday, the first day of the Association Proper at 11:00 a.m., the annual sermon the evening of the same day, Thursday at 8:00 p.m. by the host pastor of the previous annual session, unless agreed upon by the executive board, program committee and the knowledge of said pastor.

Article IV. A. This Association shall convene on Thursday in the afternoon for the purpose of organizing the regular session.
B. The election of officers shall follow the moderator’s address, by the clerk of the nominating committee reading their prayerful selection of nominees for permanent officers to the Association for her consideration or approval.
C. The nominating committee shall consist of an equal number of delegates from each associational district, plus one extra from the host district. Those entitled to vote are those delegates whose names appear in their church letters, alternates refraining if delegates are present.

Article V. A. It should be the duty of the moderator to preside and try all motions correctly made and seconded; and announce the decision of same, but he shall not be entitled to vote except to give the deciding vote when the house is divided equally.
B. The moderator shall preserve order; rebuke disorderly members in all branches of the association.

Article VI. The Association shall install all elected officers in the August third Sunday afternoon session.

Article VII. This Association Mid Year Session shall meet annually on the Fourth Saturday in April of each year at nine o’clock a.m.

Article VIII. This Association shall operate under the guidelines of the Robert’s Rules of Order.


Article IX. A. It shall be the duty of the Clerk or designees to keep a correct record of all business transacted and shall read the same for inspection at the opening of each session of the Association.
B. To keep all books and papers available to answer questions for any church of this Association and to deliver same to a successor
C. The Clerk and Assistant Clerk shall be entitled to all rights and privileges as other members, such as discussion and voting.


The Treasurer shall receive all money from the Clerk or Finance Committee, keep an accurate record of same, and pay all bills when ordered by the Association. The Treasurer shall be bonded, with the Secretary holding the bond.


The executive board shall transact such business and should claim the attention of the body during recess of the Association.

Article X. A motion or second will be legal only by the person standing and addressing the moderator before speaking.

Article XI. Any person wishing to speak on any subject under consideration must first rise and address the moderator before commencing to speak; and he shall not speak to exceed ten minutes at one time, no more than three times on the same subject under consideration; and he must not reflect upon the errors of those who have spoken before him.

Article XII. No member shall be allowed to talk or laugh in the time of business.

Article XIII. No member shall be allowed to absent himself during session hours without leave from the moderator.

Article XIV. When the business of the Association is finished, it will be in order to adjourn by prayer.

Article XV. Any member willfully violating any of the aforesaid laws shall be subject to the association.

Article XVI. These Bylaws and Rules of Order may be altered or amended only in accord with Article X of the Constitution.

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